Mano krepšelis

Samsung CLX-3170FN Spalvoti lazeriniai daugiafunkciniai spausdintuvai

Trumpas aprašymas

  • A4 spalvotas daugiafunkcinis spausdintuvas
  • kopijuoklis, skeneris, faksas
  • 4ppm spalvoto spausdinimo greitis
  • 16ppm spausdinant nespalvotai
  • 2400x600 Effective dpi rezoliucija
  • 150-lapų dėklas
  • 15 lapų Automatinis Document Feeder
  • Tinklinė plokštė, USB

Prieinamumas: Negaminama

Samsung CLX-3170FN Susijusios prekės

Samsung CLX-3170FN

At this price the Samsung CLX 3170 is excellent value for money compared to other in the same price range, it costs less than many equivalent mono mfp printers. The box contents include four starter toner cartridges, the black can print 1,000 pages and the colours can print 700 pages when printing at 5% coverage. The cables for the fax are included so all you will need is a USB or network cable.

You will be seriously impressed with the consistent colour prints that are water resistant unlike inkjet printers that are not resistant to water and can also fade over time.

Photocopying on the Samsung CLX 3170 is straight forward and quick, you simply press either the colour or black button, it can also scan to the computer or onto a USB atmintinė stick.

Spausdinimo išlaidos

Originalus toneris

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